
Tour booking simplified

Screenshot One Screenshot Two Screenshot Three Screenshot Four Screenshot Five

Project Description:

TourPixie is a tour booking application that provides a simple to use and clean interface to book, manage and find tours. It even supports a theming system.

Project Requirements:

We were required to provide basic functionality such as saving booked tours and storing this and other related information in a database. All of this was to be done in Windows Forms.

Learning Points:

I learnt to handle large code bases as well as the need for Version Control when working in a team.

As the bulk of my work involved optimising the code such that it is more readable and more compact, I learnt about Extention Methods, Lambda Expressions and Enumerations.

I had also learnt a lot about database access and improving security when accessing a database.

This project had also required a good understanding on Binding via the INotifyProertyChanged interface in WPF, which was used for the theming system.