Life Events

Chongfu Primary School

2006 - 2012

My fondest memory from primary school has to be the Primary 6 End-of-Year camp where we travelled to Kota Tinggi, Malaysia for a 4 day 3 night camp. I thoroughly enjoyed myself as I was got to bond with all of my classmates and I gained the opportunity to learn more about my strengths and weaknesses. We had activities such as abseiling and we had even ventured into a bat cave!

Primary School
My Primary School!

Yishun Town Secondary School

2013 - 2016

Every year, my school has a week dedicated for out-of-class learning, where we will attend learning journeys or workshops aimed towards expanding our horizons as well as enhancing our curiosity.

In year 2, we attended a career carnival where we got to see many jobs and their job scopes and this was when I was exposed to computer programming as there was a booth setup for data scientists and one of the skills mentioned was coding. The concept of programming piqued my interest and this inspired me to learn programming myself!

Secondary School Picture
Secondary 2 class with Mr. Leong!

Singapore Polytechnic

2017 onwards

I had attended my first hackathon during the September holiday break where not only did I learn about my personal flaws as a programmer, but also got a chance to hang out with fellow programmers.